I don’t know if you managed to catch the glorified paintball game Republican debate last night, but the Hateful 9 candidates were sure layin’ down the gauntlet on them evil tear’ists. Here’s a quick recap:
With the announcement this week that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl will be now be facing a military court-martial on the charges of desertion from his unit in Afghanistan in 2009, newscasters have seen fit to re-run one of Donald Trump’s Greatest Hits on a continuous loop:
Yeah, just shoot him! No trial. Lovely message to convey, with our country ensconced in a 24/7 cycle of gun violence. Very presidential.
The Commander-in-Chief of the 101st Chair-borne went on to riff, “As far as I’m concerned, send Bergdahl back, drop him right in the middle of [his former Taliban captors] and they will take care of it.”
Of course, his supporters react with wild cheers to such “straight talk”. I suspect that this is how they perceive their Fearless Leader:
But in reality, Trump’s sense of justice seems more in line with this:
…will resume following this public service announcement:
Programmes of violence, As entertainment, Brings the disease into your room. We know the germ, Which is man-made in metal, Is really a key to your own tomb.
Prevention is better than cure, Bad apples affecting the pure, You’ll gather your senses I’m sure Then agree to,
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more to fire them.
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more desire them.
Children will want them, Mothers supply them, As long as your killers are heroes. And all the media Will fiddle while Rome burns, Acting like modern-time Neros.
Prevention is better than cure, Bad apples affecting the pure, You’ll gather your senses I’m sure Then agree to,
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more to fire them.
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more desire them.
I’m speaking to the justice league of America. The U S of A, Hey you, Yes you in particular! When it comes to the judgement day and you’re standing at the gates with your weaponry, You dead go down on one knee, Clasp your hands in prayer and start quoting me, ‘cos we say…
Our father we’ve managed to contain the epidemic in one place, now, Let’s hope they shoot themselves instead of others, Help to civilize the race now. We’ve trapped the cause of the plague, In the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we listen quietly we can hear them shooting from grave to grave. You ought to,
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more to fire them.
Melt the guns, Melt the guns, Melt the guns, And never more desire them.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming…
Let’s see. He’s publicly insulted women, Muslims, Mexicans and Syrian refugees. He’s had an Hispanic journalist and an African-American protester somewhat pointedly ejected from his Nuremberg rallies. At this point, who hasn’t he offended?Just when you thought presidential hopeful Donald Trump had exhausted all possibilities…
Oh dearie, dearie me. So as if it wasn’t appalling enough that over half of ‘Murca’s state governors (Republicans all, save one) have banded together to stand their ground against the invading Syrian hordes, esteemed Republican presidential hopeful Cardinal Richelieu Ted Cruz has suggested that we take in Christian Syrian refugees only. Because, you know, there’s no such thing as a Christian terrorist.
On Friday, July 22, 2011, at around 3:30 p.m. local time, a 2,000-pound homemade fertilizer bomb planted in a car exploded and ripped through the central area of Norway’s capital, Oslo, blowing out windows in government offices, killing 8 people, and wounding dozens more.
As police and rescue crews rushed to the scene, 33-year-old Anders Behring Breivik had already begun to make his way to a small island called Utoya, which is about 25 miles northwest of Oslo and was at the time hosting a camp for youth members of a Norwegian political party. […]
At approximately 6:34 p.m., he surrendered without a fight to police. He had killed 67 people and wounded 33 more by then. Two more people eventually died in the hospital. He later said in court he had hoped to kill all 600 on the island.
Remember him? Interestingly, he and Sen. Cruz share some views:
In Internet postings attributed to Breivik, he blamed Europe’s left-wing parties for destroying the continent’s Christian heritage by allowing mass immigration of Muslims.
Yeah, but that was Europe, you may be thinking. There’s no history of God-fearin’ members of America’s religious right engaging in acts of terror, right?! OK, a few. Alright…maybe enough for a top dozen list.
But aside from the 2009 Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting, and the 2010 Texas IRS attack, the assassinations of abortion clinic doctors Barnett Slepian (1998) and George Tiller (2009), the 2014 Jewish Community Center murders, the 2012 Sikh Temple shooting, the 1997 Olympic bombing, and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, etc., what have you got? Surely those are anomalies; merely hiccups.
Besides, what good could ever come from taking in a Syrian refugee?
Did the prime minister of Israel really say that? The Washington Post:
In a speech here Tuesday evening, Netanyahu sought to explain the surge in violence in Israel and the West Bank by reaching for historical antecedents. He said Jews living in what was then British Palestine faced many attacks in 1920, 1921 and 1929 — all instigated by the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who allied himself with the Nazis during World War II.
Then Netanyahu dropped his bombshell. He said: “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time; he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here.’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ he asked. He said, ‘Burn them.’ ”
Netanyahu, the son of a historian, said the mufti played “a central role in fomenting the Final Solution,” as the Nazis termed their plan to exterminate the Jews.
The prime minister is “The son of a historian”? Really? Is he out of his fucking mind? Even the Germans are scratching their heads:
The controversy erupted on the eve of Netanyahu’s state visit to Germany, where Holocaust denial is a crime. The Germans pushed back, telling the Israeli leader — politely — that the Holocaust was their responsibility alone.
Uh, yeah. In fact, Hitler never waffled on that particular agenda. Eight years before he even came to power in 1933, he published this little book you may have heard of, called Mein Kampf…in which he pretty much spells out exactly what he was planning to accomplish once he came to power. And he eventually was able to check off nearly everything on his to-do list, before he checked out (except for that “1000-year Reich” part). That’s one thing about the Nazis that blows my mind…they loved to make lists, and keep records. As I noted in my 2011 review of the documentary Nuremberg: Its Lesson for Today:
Through the course of the grueling 11-month long proceedings, a panel of judges and prosecutors representing the USA, the Soviet Union, England and France built a damning case, thanks in large part to the Nazis themselves, who had a curious habit of meticulously documenting their own crimes. The thousands of confiscated documents-neatly typed, well-annotated and (most significantly) signed and dated by some of the defendants, along with the gruesome films the Nazis took of their own atrocities, helped build one of the most compelling cases of all time.
Unless every history of WW II I’ve ever read is part of a vast cover-up conspiracy, there were no Palestinians among those defendants. Sounds like the prime minster needs to brush up on the history of his own people. His revisionist stance reminds me of a movie character:
“Hitler…there was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! Two coats!!”
–Kenneth Mars as “Franz Liebkind”, author of the musical Springtime For Hitler: A Gay Romp With Eva and Adolph at Berchtesgaden (from the original 1967 film version of The Producers, screenplay by Mel Brooks)